Some personal sites are full of information or relevant thoughts. When I come across a new one, I tend to add it to my RSS reader when a feed is available.

I decided to create this blogroll for two reasons:

  • to help you discover or rediscover these sites,
  • give their authors a little publicity to thank them.

I mainly follow blogs in English or French so to save you an unnecessary click if you are not comfortable with the language of the site, I decided to add this information above each blog.

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    Adrian Roselli

    If you’re interested in web accessibility, Adrian’s blog is a great resource. He gives advice and critiques some of the templates that are commonly found on the web. Bonus point: he updates his posts so even older posts are worth checking out!
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    Ahmad Shadeed

    If you are interested in CSS, Ahmad's blog is definitely worth following. He writes in-depth articles about new CSS features. His only flaw: an RSS feed that doesn't even display an excerpt/introduction to the article.
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    CSS { In Real Life }

    If you’re interested in front-end development, and CSS in particular, Michelle Barker’s blog is a great resource. She writes articles about CSS features and more general web tech topics. You’ll also find some links to guest posts on other websites.
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    Grise Bouille

    If you’re interested in humorous comic strips ranging from absurd fiction to popular science to political satire, the blog of Simon Giraudot - alias Gee - should please you. I have to say, I mostly enjoy the last two topics!